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Version: 1.x.x


Users exist in Routr to perform administrative actions on a Routr instance. The Users configuration can be provided using the file config/users.yml located at the root of your Routr installation.

If using Redis this configuration gets stored in the database.

User Resource

apiVersionIndicates the version of the resource (Not yet implemented)Yes
kindDefines the type of resourceYes
metadata.nameFriendly name for the User deviceYes
spec.credentials.usernameUser's credential usernameYes
spec.credentials.secretUser's credential secretYes


- apiVersion: v1beta1
kind: User
name: Administrator
username: admin
secret: changeit

Changing the password? (Redis)

First, run the command redis-cli smembers users to obtain the reference to the user. Here is an example:

$ redis-cli smembers users
1) "5aa69ead8fd6861d92385bac"

Then, retrieve the document for reference running redis-cli get {REF}. For example

$ redis-cli get 5aa69ead8fd6861d92385bac

Finally, search and change the old password and update your document using redis-cli set {REF} {DOCUMENT}. Like this:

$ redis-cli set 5aa69ead8fd6861d92385bac

A new token is issued after your next login with rctl