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Version: 1.x.x


The rctl is a command-line interface for running commands against a Routr server. This overview covers rctl syntax, describes the command operations and provides common examples. For details about each command, including all the supported flags and subcommands, see the reference documentation below. This tool ships separately from the Routr server.


To get the Routr Command-Line Tool run the following command:

npm install -g routr-ctl

The command-line tool is now globally accessible.

Login to a Routr server

To login to a Routr server, use the login command.

rctl login{apiVersion} -u admin -p changeit

The current API version is v1beta1


Use the following syntax to run rctl commands from your terminal window:

rctl COMMAND [REF] [flags]

where COMMAND, subcommand REF, and flags are:

  • COMMAND: Specifies the operation that you want to perform on one or more resources. For example, create, get, delete, locate(loc).

  • subcommand: Specifies the resource type. Resource types are case-sensitive, and you can specify the singular, plural, or abbreviated forms. For example, the following commands produce the same output:

  $ rctl get gateway gweef506
$ rctl get gateways gweef506
$ rctl get gw gweef506
  • REF: Specifies the reference to the resource. References are case-sensitive. For a full list, omit the reference. For example, $ rctl get agents.

  • flags: Specifies optional flags. For example, you can use the --filter to further reduce the output of the get command .

The --filter flag uses JsonPath to perform the filtering. The root is always '$'. All you need to add is the path to the property and the filter operators. For example:

# This returns all the Numbers in Gateway 'gweef506'
rctl get numbers --filter "@.metadata.gwRef=='gweef506'"

If you need help, just run rctl --help from the terminal window.

$ rctl --help
usage: rctl [-h] [-v] COMMAND ...

A tool for the management of a Routr instance

named arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version print version information and quit

get display a list of resources
create (crea) creates new resource(s)
apply apply changes over existing resource(s)
delete (del) delete an existing resource(s)
locate (loc) locate sip device(s)
registry (reg) shows gateways registrations
proxy run a proxy to the server (beta)
login sets connection info
logout clear session credentials
logs dumps all the available system logs
restart restarts the engine
stop stops the engine
ping checks engine status
version (ver) obtain rctl's version information
config manage routr configuration

Run 'rctl COMMAND --help' for more information on a command

Important: Some commands (i.e.: create, delete) are not available in the default implementation of the resources modules. Only persistent implementations support these commands.

Examples: Common operations

Use the following set of examples to help you familiarize yourself with running the commonly used rctl operations:

rctl locate or rctl loc - Locate a sip device registered on the Routr server

// Locate all Sip Devices registered against a Routr server
$ rctl loc

rctl registry or rctl reg - Shows Gateways current registration.

// Shows the registry
$ rctl reg

rctl get - List one or more resources.

// List all numbers
$ rctl get numbers

// List all numbers that belong to gateway reference gweef506
$ rctl get numbers --filter "@.metadata.ref=='gweef506'"

// List number by reference
$ rctl get numbers dd50baa4

// List all agents
$ rctl get agents

rctl create - create a new resource.

// Create a new gateway(s) using a .yaml or .yml file
$ rctl create -f new-gateway.yaml

rctl apply - update an existing resource(s)

// Update an existing resource(s) .yaml or .yml.
$ rctl apply -f new-gateway.yaml

rctl delete - delete a resource.

// Delete all numbers for gateway reference gweef506
$ rctl delete numbers --filter "@.metadata.gwRef=='gweef506'"

// Delete a single agent (using delete alias)
$ rctl del agent ag3f77f6

Cheat Sheet

Create, delete, and update are only available in some implementations of the resources module.

Request and store token

# Request authentication for subsequent commands
$ rctl login{apiVersion} -u admin -p changeit

Clear out the session credentials

# Clear session credentials
$ rctl logout

Launch the Web Console

# The Web Console re-uses the credentials of your Command-Line Tool
rctl proxy

Showing the Registry

# Shows all the Gateways that are currently available
$ rctl registry # Shows only current registrations. You may use `reg` for short

Locating SIP Devices

# Find all sip devices available at the location service
$ rctl locate # This list does not include number-ingress-routes or domain-egress-routes

Creating Resources

# Create new peers and agents
$ rctl create -f asterisk.yaml # Create Peer in file asterisk.yaml
$ rctl create -f agents-list.yaml # Create Agents in file agents-list.yaml

Finding Resources

# Get Numbers
$ rctl get numbers # List all available Numbers
$ rctl get number # List all available Numbers
$ rctl get number --filter "@.metadata.ref=='dd50baa4'" # Shows Number with reference 'Number0001'
$ rctl get number --filter "@.metadata.gwRef=='gweef506'" # Shows Numbers with Gateway reference 'GW1232'

# Get agents
$ rctl get agents # List all Agents

Deleting Resources

# Delete command by refernce or filter
$ rctl delete agent ag3f77f6 # Delete Agent by reference
$ rctl del numbers --filter '@.metadata.gwRef=gweef506' # Delete Numbers using a filter

Updating Resources

$ rctl apply -f asterisk.yaml                         # Create Peer in file asterisk.yaml
$ rctl apply -f agents-list.yaml # Create Agents in file agents-list.yaml

Dump all available logs

$ rctl logs

Restart the engine

# To restart the engine immediately use the --now flag
$ rctl restart --now

Stop the engine

# To stop the engine immediately use the --now flag
$ rctl restart --now

Check the engine status

$ rctl ping

Display version information

$ rctl ver

Manage general configuration

# To update configuration use the apply subommand
$ rctl config apply -f /path/to/config.yml

# To see the configuration use the describe subcommand
$ rctl config describe --full