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Version: 2.11.5

Docker installation

First, create a directory named "routr". Navigate into the new folder, and then copy the content below:

Filename: compose.yaml

version: "3"


image: fonoster/routr-one:latest
- 51908:51908
- 5060:5060/udp


Then, start the server with:

# Be sure to replace with your IP address
DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS= docker-compose up

Wait a few seconds for the container to initialize. Afterward, you can verify the status of the container using:

docker ps -a --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}'

You should see a containers with its status. Your output should look like the one below:

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                     STATUS
6c63fd573768 fonoster/routr-one:latest Up About a minute

If the status of your service is "Up," you are ready to go.

Finally, install the command-line tool and start building your SIP Network.

You can install the tool with npm as follows:

npm install --location=global @routr/ctl

And here is an example of creating a SIP Domain:

rctl domains create --insecure

The --insecure flag is required as we did not set up the TLS settings.

For additional examples, refer to the command line documentation.