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Version: 2.11.5


The Connect Mode is Routr's implementation of the SIPConnect standard. Routr introduces the Connect Processor and five routing types as part of the implementation.

The Connect Mode introduces the Connect Processor, a built-in Processor with the necessary logic to implement the "SIP Connect v1.1" specification.

The following routing types are supported:


The agent-to-agent routing type allows an Agent to call another Agent in the same Domain. The following yaml configuration shows a simple setup involving one Domain and two Agents:

Domain configuration

- apiVersion: v2beta1
kind: Domain
ref: domain-01
name: Local Domain
domainUri: sip.local

Agents configuration

- apiVersion: v2beta1
kind: Agent
ref: agent-01
name: John Doe
username: "1001"
domainRef: domain-01
credentialsRef: credentials-01

- apiVersion: v2beta1
kind: Agent
ref: agent-02
name: Jane Doe
username: "1002"
domainRef: domain-01
credentialsRef: credentials-02

With the configuration above, John and Jane can call each other using their usernames.

Here, we are showing the yaml representation of the resources for illustration purposes. However, we typically use the CTL or the SDK to create resources.


In the Connect Mode, the agent-to-pstn routing type allows an Agent to call numbers in the Private Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) using a Number and Trunking.

The egressPolicies section of the Domain resource handles the routing. The examples below show how these resources relate to each other.

Domain configuration

- apiVersion: v2beta1
kind: Domain
ref: domain-01
name: Local Domain
accessControlListRef: acl-01
domainUri: sip.local
- rule: ".*"
numberRef: number-01

Number configuration

- apiVersion: v2beta1
kind: Number
ref: number-01
name: "(910)343-4434"
city: Durham, NC
country: USA
countryIsoCode: US
trunkRef: trunk-01
telUrl: tel:+19103434434

With the previous configuration, any Agent in the Domain can call the PSTN using the Number (910)343-4434.


The from-pstn routing type outlines how a call from the PSTN connects to an Agent or a Peer using a Number and Trunking. The location section of the Number resource manages this routing. For instance, to route calls from the PSTN to an Agent, you can use the following configuration:

- apiVersion: v2beta1
kind: Number
ref: number-01
name: "(910)343-4434"
city: Durham, NC
country: USA
countryIsoCode: US
trunkRef: trunk-01
telUrl: tel:+19103434434
aorLink: sip:john@sip.local

You can apply the same configuration to route calls from the PSTN to a Peer. For instance, to direct calls from the PSTN to an Asterisk server, you can adopt this configuration, provided the endpoint is registered with Routr.


The peer-to-pstn routing type describes how a Peer such as Asterisk can reach the PSTN. Unlike agent-to-pstn, this routing is not bound to a Domain. Because Peers are trusted entities, they can call the PSTN using the Trunking resource. This routing type is automatically selected when the number dialed by the Peer is not in the location table.


This routing type allows any Agent to call a Peer. Because the Agent is going "outside" of the Domain's boundaries, the Agent must have a valid JWT token in the X-Connect-Token header. Incidentally, required claims in the JWT token include fields similar to the Agent resource. Here is an example of the payload of a JWT token:

"ref": "agent-01",
"domainRef": "domain-01",
"aor": "sip:1001@sip.local",
"aorLink": "sip:asterisk@default",
"domain": "sip.local",
"privacy": "NONE",
"allowedMethods": ["INVITE", "REGISTER"]