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Version: 2.11.5


The EdgePort component accepts SIP Messages, parses them into protobuf, and sends them to the Message Dispatcher. After a SIP Message is processed, the EdgePort will forward the SIP Message to the next hop.

The following diagram shows the relation between a SIP client, the EdgePort, and the Dispatcher.

┌──────────┐  ┌────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐
│SIP Client│ │EdgePort│ │Message Dispatcher│
└────┬─────┘ └───┬────┘ └──────┬───────────┘
│ │ │
│SIP request │ │
│───────────>│ │
│ │ │
│ │gRPC request │
│ │────────────>│
│ │ │
│ │gRPC response│
│ │<────────────│
│ │ │
│SIP response│ │
│<───────────│ │
┌────┴─────┐ ┌───┴────┐ ┌──────┴───────────┐
│SIP Client│ │EdgePort│ │Message Dispatcher│
└──────────┘ └────────┘ └──────────────────┘

While we show the Dispatcher, we could also use a Processor. Both components share the same protobuf. However, the Dispatcher is required when you expect multiple Processors or at least one Middleware.

For example, if your use case requires having one Processor for SIP INVITE and another for SIP MESSAGE requests, you will need to use a Dispatcher. Similarly, if you want to use a Middleware, you will need to use a Dispatcher.

If you only have one Processor and have not Middleware, you can use the Processor directly. Running the Processor directly will make your deployment simpler and faster.

Configuration Spec

To configure the EdgePort, you must provide a YAML or JSON configuration with the following structure.

refReference to the EdgePortYes
metadata.regionRegion where the EdgePort is located (reserved for future use)No
spec.unknownMethodActionWhat to do if an incoming request type is not allowed (reserved for future use)No
spec.transportEnabled Transport ProtocolsYes
spec.transport[*].protocolTransport protocolYes
spec.transport[*].bindAddrIpv4 interface to accept requests onNo
spec.transport[*].portPort to listen onYes
spec.methodsAcceptable SIP MethodsYes
spec.processorAdjacent service for message routingYes
spec.processor.addrAddress of the adjacent serviceYes
spec.localnetsNetworks considered to be in the same local networkNo
spec.externalAddrsEdgePort external ip addressesNo
spec.bindAddrIpv4 interface to accept requests onNo
spec.securityContextSecurity contextNo
spec.securityContext.clientClient security contextNo
spec.securityContext.client.protocolsTLS protocols used by the client (e.g., SSLv3, TLSv1.2)No
spec.securityContext.client.authTypeClient authentication type (e.g., Disabled, DisabledAll, Required, Wanted)No
spec.securityContext.keyStorePath to the key store fileNo
spec.securityContext.trustStorePath to the trust store fileNo
spec.securityContext.keyStorePasswordPassword for the key storeNo
spec.securityContext.trustStorePasswordPassword for the trust storeNo
spec.securityContext.keyStoreTypeType of the key store (e.g., pkcs12)No

The security context is required if the EdgePort is configured to use a secure protocol such as TLS or WSS.

Please see JAINSIP docs for details on the security context properties.

Here is an example of a configuration file:

Filename: dispatcher.yaml or dispatcher.json

kind: EdgePort
apiVersion: v2beta1
ref: edgeport-01
region: default
unknownMethodAction: Discard
addr: dispatcher:51901
- SSLv3
- TLSv1.2
authType: DisabledAll
keyStorePassword: changeme
trustStorePassword: changeme
keyStore: "/etc/routr/certs/signaling.p12"
trustStore: "/etc/routr/certs/signaling.p12"
keyStoreType: pkcs12
- protocol: tcp
port: 5060
- protocol: udp
port: 5060
- protocol: tls
port: 5061
- protocol: ws
port: 5062
- protocol: wss
port: 5063

The EdgePort requires the spec.externalAddrs field to function properly in NATed environments like Docker. When provided, the spec.externalAddrs is added as metadata to the SIP message and can later be used by a Processor to determine the correct advertised address.

Environment Variables

The EdgePort provides the following environment variables as a convenient way to overwrite some configuration properties or provide additional behavior not covered by the configuration spec.

  • PROCESSOR_ADDR - Overwrites the spec.processor.addr property
  • HOSTNAME - Overwrites the ref property. If running in K8s, ref will be set to the pod's hostname.
  • IGNORE_LOOPBACK_FROM_LOCALNETS - If set to true, the EdgePort will ignore the loopback address from the localnets property. In Docker deployments, this is set to true by default.
  • CONSOLE_PUBLISHER_ENABLED - If set to true, the EdgePort will publish SIP messages to the console publisher. Useful for debugging purposes.
  • NATS_PUBLISHER_ENABLED - If set to true, the EdgePort will publish SIP messages to the NATS publisher.
  • NATS_PUBLISHER_SUBJECT - Overwrites the default subject the NATS publisher uses. The default subject is routr.
  • NATS_PUBLISHER_URL - This is required if NATS_PUBLISHER_ENABLED is set to true. It should contain the NATS server URL. For example: nats://nats:4222.

Communication and Protobuf Spec

While the entry point to the EdgePort is SIP, the communication with downstream services happens via gRPC. The EdgePort uses the following protobuf messages to communicate with the Dispatcher or Processor, which shares the protobuf definition.

syntax = "proto3";

package fonoster.routr.processor.v2beta1;

import "common.proto";
import "sipmessage.proto";

// Processor service
service Processor {
// Process Message Request
rpc ProcessMessage (MessageRequest) returns (MessageResponse) {}

enum Method {
// Communicates user location (hostname, IP)
// Establishes a session
// Transports Instant Messages
// Publishes an event to the Server
// Notifies the subscriber of a new event
// Subscribes for Notification from the notifier
// Confirms an INVITE request
ACK = 7;
// Terminates a session
BYE = 8;
// Cancels establishing of a session
// Communicates information about the capabilities of the calling and receiving SIP phones
// Provisional Acknowledgement
PRACK = 11;
// Sends mid session information
INFO = 12;
// Asks the recipient to issue call transfer
REFER = 13;
// Modifies the state of a session
UPDATE = 14;

message NetInterface {
string host = 1;
int32 port = 2;
fonoster.routr.common.v2beta1.Transport transport = 3;

message MessageRequest {
// Same as the Call-Id header
string ref = 1;
string edge_port_ref = 2;
Method method = 3;
NetInterface sender = 4;
repeated NetInterface listening_points = 5;
repeated string external_addrs = 6;
repeated string localnets = 7;
fonoster.routr.sipmessage.v2beta1.SIPMessage message = 8;
map<string, string> metadata = 9;

message MessageResponse {
NetInterface sender = 1;
fonoster.routr.sipmessage.v2beta1.SIPMessage message = 2;
map<string, string> metadata = 3;

Link to the protobuf definition.

Launching the EdgePort with Docker

The EdgePort is available as a Docker image from Docker Hub. To launch the EdgePort with Docker, you can use the following command:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/edgeport.yaml:/etc/routr/edgeport.yaml -p 5060:5060/udp fonoster/routr-edgeport

The previous example will pull the latest version of the EdgePort from Docker Hub and launch it with the default configuration. The EdgePort will be listening on port 5060 for UDP traffic. Remember, your Docker container must expose the ports in your configuration file. For example, if you want the port 5061 for TLS traffic, you must add the following flag to the docker run command: -p 5061:5061.